Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Portability = Survival

We can't hide from it.  Disasters will happen, and we need to be prepared.  

Worst Natural Disasters to affect the United States

Hurricane Katrina
Hurricane Galveston - September 8, 1900
Great San Francisco Fire and Earthquake - April 18, 1906
Tri-State Tornado - March 18, 1925
Okeechobee Hurricane - September 16, 1928
Peshtigo Fire -  October 8, 1871
Heat Wave of 1980 - Summer of 1980
Heat Wave of 1988 - Summer of 1988
Loma Prieta Earthquake - October 17, 1989 (3000-12,000 left homeless)
Hurricane Katrina - August 29, 2005 (1.2 Million people evacuated)
Hurricane Sandy - October 22, 2012 (200,000 left homeless in Jamaica)
Manhattan Power-outage, Hurricane Sandy

Facts are facts, and the fact remains that we truly do not know when the unexpected will occur.  Disaster strikes at any time and in most cases without warning.  We have seen it time and time again, with the hurricanes that continue to hit our coastlines around the world, earthquakes, heat waves, and tornados.   Even severe lightning storms can cut off power to a whole town.  There will be times when you need to prepare for the worst, and having PORTABLE power, means survival.  

Gas powered generators can provide lots of power, but they are extremely heavy and they also require gasoline.  During emergencies, and especially during natural disasters, it is highly likely that gasoline will be unaccessible.  The only way to ensure that you will always have power on the go is to look to using a solar generator.

SUNSOCKET Portable Solar Generator
Not only is having portable power important, but how fast you can get power is also important.  A solar generator without a solar panel is pointless because eventually the battery will deplete and you will be left with a paper weight.  Even a solar generator with a solar panel that might get 30-40 watts could be a waste of time because unless that solar panel is facing the sun at all times, you'll never be able to recharge your generator battery.  

The SUNSOCKET SOLAR GENERATOR is the only portable generator in the world with sun-tracking technology, which means it is the only portable generator in the world that can consistently maximize its power intake to give users a consistent charge throughout the entire day without depleting any battery storage.  All that technology and power wrapped up in a portable case to take with you anywhere.  Are you prepared?


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