Sunday, April 7, 2013

Do you know why SUN-TRACKING is so vital to Solar Generators?

Some people know that Photo-Voltaic (PV) solar panels must face the sun directly in order to achieve the highest efficiency possible.  What most people don't know, is that when the suns rays hit the PV panels at an angle, the efficiency drops dramatically.  In fact... if PV panels are laid flat on the ground from sunrise to sunset, they will virtually get no power until the sun rises high enough to hit the panels directly which means you are out of power until lunch time.

Simple solution?  Well of course you could manually reposition your solar panel which is what we suggest you do if you currently own solar panels, but do you really want to keep moving them every 30 minutes of the day?  Or how about every hour?  How about every 2 hours?  Let's say you moved the solar panels every hour during the day for an entire 3-day camping trip.  Assuming we get about 8 hours of good sunlight in a given day, that means you had to move your panels 24 times!  See where we are getting at?  I guess you could always just hold the solar panel to the sky and aim it directly at the sun.  It would be a great workout for those deltoids.

Real Life Scenario:

Your laptop is dead.  Your tablet is dead.  Your phone is dead.  You want to charge them but you know you are going on a hike and you wont be back for 7 hours.  You also know that if you don't reposition the panels then realistically you will only get about 2 hours of charging which means 5 hours is already wasted.  


The sun-tracking technology built into the SunSocket solar generator means that you can go on a hike as long as you want.   Go off and enjoy the rest of your day with the reassurance that you'll be able to charge your laptop at full speed and even when it's fully charged, the panels will continue to charge the powerful 250 Watt internal battery which is enough power to keep a laptop running for 5 hours even when the sun goes down.

There you have it folks.  PV panels must face the sun, and if they aren't, well you might as well just go buy more spare batteries.


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