Friday, January 24, 2014

Does Your Non-Profit Need to Invest in Portable Solar Power?

The simple answer is yes! Solar power is the smart way to power your non-profit. Solar power utilizes the energy from the sun to power your devices, all while conserving the environment and saving you money. As a non-profit organization, you may worry about the up-front costs of alternative energy options. At AspectSolar, however, you can find the perfect solar electricity applications for your non-profit that won’t break your bank.

Solar generators allow you to take energy everywhere you go. Many non-profit organizations are always on the move, so in order to reduce energy usage and costs, it helps to have solar energy always at your fingertips. All AspectSolar products use cutting-edge technology to utilize the sun to your advantage. Our devices are equipped with Sun-tracking technology, which allows you to convert maximum amounts of sun energy to electricity, while keeping a constant charge throughout your day. If your non-profit builds houses for the needy, for example, the Sun-tracking technology will allow you to have a power source for multiple days at a time.

In addition to Sun-tracking technology, AspectSolar products have monocrystalline solar cells. These cells are the best available solar cell technology because they allow you to have the most power and charge while taking up the least amount of space. This is particularly advantageous to non-profits, who often don’t have a lot of space to spare. Our products are also made with a lithium iron phosphate (LiFePO4) battery, which is the best portable battery available. LiFePO4 batteries have a long life span, can be recharged multiple times, and are lightweight. These batteries are also useful for storage during long periods of time.

Portable energy sources are not only great for your bank; they’re great for your community. Non-profits who use solar power energy are improving their communities and our world. Contact AspectSolar today for more information!  

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