Friday, November 15, 2013

Nationwide 59% Renewable Energy in Germany

On October 3rd, Germany hit a peak of produced renewable energy at 59% of total consumed power.

Imagine nearly two thirds of a whole country’s power coming from renewable energy sources. Solar power accounted for 11.2% of total power produced. Wind power accounted for the majority of renewable energy produced that day (it was a very windy, very sunny October day). While amazing and rare, this is becoming a pattern for Germany. Earlier in the year, the country’s grid hit other peaks of 59% and 61%. The whole country embraced renewable energy.

Partway through the afternoon, the renewable surge drove conventional power prices down as those power plants didn’t have to produce as much energy to keep the country saturated. In fact, much of their over-abundance of power was exported to neighboring countries. Every laptop was powered, every lab and every hospital took all the power they needed from the grid.

We’re at a point where renewable power is more convenient and yields higher output than ever before. The same is true for some personal solar powered products (namely, us). When there’s so little to deter countries from switching to renewable energy, then it’s a good sign that individuals should be switching also.

Our high-efficiency solar panels and state-of-the-art Lithium Iron Phosphate batteries are small-scale solar power to make your life easier. It’s two-fold: solar power to give you the charge your devices need when you want it, and just a little more green energy to help out the Earth. Use the EP-55 to charge your EnergyBar 250 battery pack and take renewable energy with you for long car trips, flights, vacations, camping, or just for that moment your phone dies around 5:00 pm.

Personal solar power is the first step to energy freedom. One day, our grid has the potential to be just as renewable or more than Germany’s.

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