Thursday, December 19, 2013

CEA Honors SunSocket Solar Generator For Innovation

It’s been a busy few weeks here at AspectSolar! We had to keep things a little hush-hush for a while, but we can now proudly tell you that we’re being honored by the Consumer Electronics Association (CEA) for innovations in portable power! See the SunSocket Solar Generator listed under the ‘Portable Power’ category.

On November 12, we traveled to New York City for the prestigious CES Unveiled event for the press. Here, hundreds of reporters and editors in the tech industry got to see firsthand some of the most innovative technologies to come out this year or due to come out early 2014. We had on display our award-winning SunSocket Solar Generator (man, it feels nice to say that) and the brand new DUO-Flex solar USB charger.

Both devices drew the attention of some interested reporters. In addition to being featured in i3, the folks at Power Systems Design recorded a quick demo video, and VentureBeat had some kind words to say. Their story has been picked up and reposted around the web. So, you know, we’re making the rounds.

Professional reviews are fun and all, but we also like to hear how you use your solar power! Tell us what your favorite thing is that you’ve been able to do with portable power.

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