Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Our First Infomercial

Well, we decided to have a little fun with solar.  Bringing you our first ever infomercial.  Drink it in... drink it in... but watch out for the BEAR!

We did our best to make this video as realistic as possible... because we know how much you want to sing karaoke or play video games while you are camping with your friends.  And seriously, who doesn't like chocolate milk on a hot sunny day on the beach?  Lets be real about this, these are pressing matters.

Hope you enjoy!  Don't forget to Like, Comment, and Subscribe to our channel!

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Human Nature

Q:  What is human nature?

SunSocket solar generator on display at Liquid Planet
A:  The general psychological characteristics, feelings, and behavioral traits of humankind, regarded as shared by all humans.

Q:  Is it human nature to crave attention?

A:  Yes.

We can't help it.  We love attention.  Everyone does.  It's no secret that the people of the world are absorbing themselves more and more into these social platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.  The status updates, and tweets, and photos that are being shared should be stamped with a label saying "look at me! look at me!".  Well... guess what world... AspectSolar likes attention too!

We recently hung out at Liquid Planet in Missoula, MT.  Couldn't help ourselves here and we set up our SunSocket solar generator to see what sort of attention we could get.

Thanks to everyone who stopped to take a look and learn about sun tracking technology!

Friday, May 10, 2013

Top 10 Quotes from Mom

Alright, this has nothing to do with portable solar generators and nothing to do with survival.  Actually wait, I take that back.  If you care about survival then I would suggest you go out and get your mother some flowers.  If not, get ready to bug out!  

Here are the top 10 quotes from my very own mother.  

10. "Stop being stubborn and go see a doctor"
9. "Say please and thank you"
8. "Chew with your mouth closed"
7. "Stop dragging your feet when you walk"
6. "Clean your room"
5. "Do your homework"
4. "Get your elbows off the dinner table and eat your vegetables"
3. "It's okay to fail, as long as you tried your hardest"
2. "Be honest, I'll find out anyways"
1.  "I love you"

Thank you mom for the constant reminders to keep my life in order, and thank you for the unconditional love!